Purple and Gold Awards

2011 Student Group Purple and Gold Awards: Call for Nominations!

The Student Association Office of Student Group Affairs is now seeking nominations for the 2011 Student Group Purple and Gold Awards! Students are eligible to self-nominate their own groups and/or nominate other active groups on campus, and a panel of both Student Association officials and University at Albany staff will determine the award winners.

There are categories for both student group awards and individual student awards including – but not limited to – community service awards, programming awards and Student Group of the Year. A full list of award descriptions and copies of the nomination form will be available in the Student Association Office, Office of Student Involvement and Leadership and on the Student Association website as of Monday, March 14th. (These documents will also be e-mailed to the Executive Board of all Student Association recognized student organizations.)

Nomination forms will be due back to the Student Association office (Campus Center 116) by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 4th. If you have any questions regarding the nomination and/or selection process, please contact Student Group Affairs Director Nicole Jean at njean@uamail.albany.edu.

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