Run for Office!

The Student Association Senate wants you! Be involved on your campus - run for a seat on your respective living area.

The following areas are open:

Indian Quad - four (4) seats
State Quad - three (3) seats
Colonial Quad - three (3) seats
Dutch Quad - three (3) seats
Freedom Apartments - one (1) seat
Alumni Quad - two (2) seats
Empire Commons - three (3) seats
Off Campus - fourteen (14) seats
At Large (represents entire campus) - two (2) seats

Self Nomination Forms are available at the Student Association office (CC116) during regular business hours from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Forms are due September 13th, in which a Mandatory Candidates Meeting will follow in the Assembly Hall (time TBA).

For more information, contact Tremayne Price, Chair of the Senate, at