Important Student Group Budget Deadlines

Budget Time is everyone's favorite time of the year!

Photo by Alan Cleaver via Flickr

As many (hopefully all) student group e-board members know, the budget process for next year has already begun. Every recognized and funded student group must submit a budget packet to the front desk in the SA office by 4:55PM on March 10th. The budget packet can be found here:

But don't freak out! Members of the SA Board of Finance will be around to give individualized help with preparing budgets each night on March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 9th from 5-8PM. Come to have your budget packet reviewed, ask questions, figure stuff out, and make special requests. These sessions will be held in the West Lounge outside of the SA Office.

Additionally, as mentioned in the State of the SA Address, ALL student groups must submit a list of all members of their group that intend on running for an e-board position. They must provide their name, student ID, email address, and signature to complete this form. Submit it to the front desk in the SA office by 4:55PM on March 8th. The budget packet which contains the nomination form can be found here:

Finally, recognized groups' e-board members must meet with SA officers at a designated time from March 3rd until March 10th. An e-board member of each group should have been notified via email. The full schedule of meeting times can be found here: