Today is the Re-Vote for the SA Senate Elections

Dutch, Freedom, and off-campus residents get voting on MyUAlbany!

On Monday night (10/5), the Supreme Court made a 6-1 decision that found the elections on Dutch Quad, Freedom Quad, and off-campus to be invalid. Other quads and the Senator-At-Large elections were ruled to be valid. The case involved a discrepancy with the number of senators that were elected on specific living areas.

The SA Supreme Court Majority Brief states, "this court sees the elections used to enact representatives on Dutch Quad, Freedom Quad, and Off-Campus in the fall of 2009 elections be null and void. The student body numbers initially used were not reputable, thereby placing into question those newly elected."

The re-vote is taking place Today (10/12) and Tuesday (10/13). It will be the same candidates as before and voting will still be done through MyUAlbany. Only those who live on Dutch, on Freedom, or off-campus can vote.