This semster will be BIG!

Get ready for some big events! From one of the most respected leaders in America to one of the greatest mashup artists this decade, SA is bringing the best to UAlbany.

- Senate Elections are this week on the 23rd and 24th. You can vote by going to MyUAlbany and clicking on "Student Life" and then "Student Elections."

- There will be two town hall meetings next week on Indian on the 29th and State Quad on the 30th. Both will be in the penthouse at 8 p.m.

- You can meet the SA staff on October 5th and 30th at "Free Day." Where we will be giving out free stuff! Location TBA, check the blog for updates.

- This semester's events will kick-off on Homecoming Weekend, October 9-11. Paul Krugman will be having a discussion on Friday night at the Downtown Campus and General Colin L. Powell will be speaking on Saturday night in the SEFCU Arena. Register for the event here.

- Girl Talk and Reel Big Fish will be performing for the Fall Concert on November 5th. Tickets are now on sale at Copies Plus for $10. It is $15 at the door.

"Coming this fall..."