SA is Hiring!

Hiring Assistant Director Positions! Applications due May 5th!

Assistant Programming Director- Assistant to the Student Association Programming Director. The Programming office coordinates Student Association Events, helps Student Groups plan events, and works in conjunction with the university to help plan events.

Assistant Marketing Director- Assistant to the Student Association Marketing Director. In addition to marketing the Student Association as a whole, the Marketing office also promotes SA general events and departmental events.

Student Association Advocates
- Student Advocates for the Student Association. This position, along with Legislative Affairs Directors, is in charge of advocating to the Administration about Student needs on this campus, as well as the State Legislature when they are in session. This position will be expanded greatly from its current form.

Pick up an application in the SA office. Applications are due by 4:55 p.m. on May 5th!

If you have any additional questions about the positions, please email