SA Elections for the Fall 2009-Spring 2010 academic year
Want to be the Student Association President or Vice President? One of 12 At-Large Senators? One of two SUNY Assembly Delegates? A member of University Council?
President- President of the Student Association for the 2009-2010 school year
Vice President- vice president of the student Association for the 2009-2010 school year
12 At-Large Senators- A Student Association Senator At-Large is elected by, and represents the entire undergraduate student body. They are all responsible to attend one Senate meeting a week, and an additional committee meeting. These are also the only members eligible to be elected as Chair and Vice Chair of the Student Association Senate.
University Council- Each state-operated campus of the SUNY system has a University Council, appointed by the Governor. Nine of the ten members of the Council are appointed by the Governor for seven year terms. The tenth member is a student, elected for a one-year term by and from the students enrolled at the institution. The chair is appointed by the Governor.
2 Student Assembly Delegates- SUNY student assembly delegates. There are two positions available. They are responsible for attending a conference in the fall and spring. The Student Assembly is the state wide governing body. In the fall conference, we vote on resolutions that the EC has prepared for the fall conference. All 64 campuses are represented at these conferences. At our spring conference we elect our new executive board who will serve us for following academic year.
Spring 2009 Election Schedule:
March 11, 2009- Self-nomination forms are due by 4:55 p.m.
March 11, 2009 - Candidates Meeting at 7 p.m.
March 12, 2008- Campaigning begins at 12:01 a.m.
March 23, 2009- Voting begins at 12:01 a.m.
March 24, 2009- Voting ends at 11:59 p.m.
*If necessary, a run-off election will be held at the discretion of the Elections Commissioner.
Please note that the Student Association shall not be held accountable for any potential, possible, or scheduled downtime with MyUAlbany and/or its voting software. The preferential voting system voted on during the 2007-2008 academic year will not be in effect, as per the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership.
Please direct any questions regarding the election to Be sure to put 'elections' in the subject line of the email.
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