November SA Town Hall Meeting

All Student Groups,

Please note that if you are a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) which includes Student Groups which were recently established, by the Student Association. You are required to attend the SA Town Hall Meeting. The second meeting will be held on November 10th in LC 7 from 7pm - 9pm. Attendance will be taken, so please make sure that one member attends. Topics that will be discussed at this meeting will include the following: Updates on the topic of safety as well as several SA Officers, Administrators, SA Senate and Judicial Branch.

SA Town Hall Meeting

7:00 p.m - 7:05 p.m: Roll Call of Student Groups
7:05 p.m - 7:10 p.m: SA President Dan Truchan Intro
7:10 p.m - 7:40 p.m: Safety Issues
7:40p.m - 8:00 p.m: E-Board
- Vice President: Samantha Bernstein
- Comptroller: Colin Ebel
- Athletics Director: Amanda Grorozdi
- Gender and Sexuality Concerns Director: Courtney D' Allaird
- Multicultural Affairs Director: Kenneth Abrams
- Marketing Director: Jessica Wah
- ATV Director: Joe Bonilla
- Programming Director: Lily Garcia
8:00p.m - 8:05 p.m: SA Senate: Chairman - Sussman/ Vice Chair - Rotella
8:05p.m - 8:10p.m: SA Supreme Court: Chief Justice - Jake Crawford
8:10p.m - 8:15p.m: SA Board of Finance: Chairman - Brandon Paterson
8:15 p.m - 8:25 p.m: President's Report
8:25p.m - 8:45p.m: Q&A
8:45p.m - 9:00p.m: Closing Remarks